Saturday, August 27, 2011

The Future of Love......

I've been a fan of Daphne Kingma's work for many years now and she always offers great insights as a guest on the radio show. This week's show features a new conversation with Daphne on her groundbreaking book, "The Future of Love - The Power of the Soul in Intimate Relationships."

At a time when over half of all marriages are ending in divorce, Daphne, a well-known therapist and relationship expert, has recognized that our traditional ways of thinking about relationships are no longer working. I believe this week's interview will give you hope and also challenge you with new ways of thinking about intimate, soulful relationships. Check out her website -  and listen to the show with an open heart.....and see where the journey takes you!

Saturday, August 20, 2011

John Shelby Spong calling for a New Reformation

This week's show is with a guest who makes his third visit....Bishop John Shelby Spong. I always find him insightful, inspiring and he will challenge you to think. I love people like that! Spong, whose books have sold more than a million copies, was bishop of the Episcopal Diocese of Newark for 24 years before his retirement in 2001.

This visionary leader is considered the champion on an inclusive faith by many, both inside and outside the church. Spong has also been a strong proponet of feminism, gay rights, and equality within both the church and society at large. Towards these ends, he calls for a New Reformation, in which many of Christianity's basic doctrines should be reformulated.

A visiting lecturer at Harvard and at universities and churches worldwide, Bishop Spong delivers more than 200 public lectures each year to standing-room-only crowds.

Thanks for visiting this site...and I hope you'll enjoy the interview. His web address is -

Tuesday, August 16, 2011


Welcome to the new site for JourneysFire Productions. What do Dr. Patch Adams and Buddhist monk Matthieu Ricard have in common? First, they both represent what being a visionary leader AND social change artist is all about. Although on different lifepaths, Adams and Ricard are committed to using their creativity in making a difference in the world....and to the fusion of the inner work of heart WITH outer service in the world.

And, they're not afraid to dream big! My son used to say, "dream big or go home." We are living in a time when we all must have the courage to dream big...and then act on those dreams. Patch made two decisions when he was in the mental hospital as a younger man: to serve humanity through medicine, and to never have another bad day! Matthieu walked away from the Parisian jet set life he had years ago, to pursue a path of compassion and altruistic love for humanity. Both arrived at a defining moment in their lives....and they discovered their destiny and have never looked back!

Both have also been guests on our radio show. The Featured Interview posted is with Patch Adams. This Week's Show is my conversation with Matthieu Ricard. Listen at your leisure and may you be inspired and challenged to know that there is another way of living. We're bringing love to broadcast at a time.