Sunday, April 29, 2012

Diane Ackerman"s personal story of love and hope.

Diane Ackerman, author of The Zookeeper's Wife and An Alchemy of Mind, talks about hew latest memoir, One Hundred Names for Love. It's a testament to the power of creativity in language, life - and love. When Diane's husband of 35 years suffered a massive stroke, he lost his command of language. For Paul West, a writer, poet, and professor, that was a devastating blow. Over the next six years, Diane refused to give up hope. In my conversation with Diane, she shares the touching story of their marriage and explores the role of becoming a caregiver.

I'll also be giving voice to a few passages from one of my favorite books, Gift From the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh. She writes about love and relationship and I find that she was way ahead of her time. This book was first published in 1955.

On this week's program we're bringing love to life....for ourselves, one another and the Earth!

Saturday, April 21, 2012

Active Hope with Joanna Macy

The challenges we face can be difficult even to think about. Climate change, the depletion of oil, economic upheavel, and mass extinction together create a planetary emergency of overwhelming proportions. A new book, Active Hope shows us how to strengthen our capacity to face this crisis so that we can respond with enexpected resilience and creative power. Ecophilosopher Joanna Macy, Ph.D, is co-author of this new book and also is a scholar of Buddhism and deep ecology. A respected voice in movements for peace, justice, and the environment, she interweaves her scholarship with five decades of activism.

Now is the time for all of us to embrace an active hope and practice the fusion of the inner work of heart with outer service in the world. Fall in love with life, and bring love to alife in all that you do...and wherever you go!

As you listen to my conversation with Joanna, may you be inspired and take action.

Saturday, April 7, 2012

Stories of Love and Healing from a Farm Animal Sanctuary.......

This week's show features Stephanie Marohn and our conversation about her newest book, What The Animals Taught Me. This program is engaging, enlightening, and will touch your heart, as Stephanie shares stories of love and healing that she experienced from the abused and neglected animals that found their way to her farm. You'll learn more about living a more present-oriented, more loving, more resilient and authentic life. Stephanie's website will provide a link to the efforts of the farm sanctuary. Be inspired and get involved!

Saturday, February 25, 2012

DEEP TRUTH with Visionary Scientist Gregg Braden

Deep Truth, Gregg Braden's new book on the intersection of science and spirituality, asks us to examine our world at large and focus on the survival of the human race. Braden says we cannot solve the world's problems with outmoded ways of thinking.

In this week's interview, Gregg says, "We must think differently than we have ever thought about ourselves and our relationship to one another in the world to successfully solve our crises.

Since this interview has aired...and now posted for your enjoyment, many listeners have told me thay have taken several pages of notes and have been both challenged and inspired.

Let's become aware of the false assumptions we have all bought into...and then embrace the deep truths that will help create a better world!

Saturday, February 18, 2012

Powered by Love - Principles of Sacred Activism

Sacred Activism is powered by love. It's what I define as the fusion of the inner work of heart with outer service in the world. Sacred activism is about living a life that gives back more than it takes, enhancing the world around us rather than exploiting and polluting it. Our journey is about self-transformation so we can more effectively transform society.

This week's interview features two powerful people who are dedicated to the power of loving ourselves, one another and the Earth. I hope that you'll not only be inspired, but challenged as well.

Saturday, February 11, 2012

Two Inspiring Leaders.....Two great interviews.

On this week's program we're bringing love to life with His Eminence Shyalpa Tenzin Rinpoche and Marc Ian Barasch. Rinpoche talks about his newest book, Living Fully : Finding Joy in Every Breath. Rinpoche is one of the world's only English - speaking Tibetan lamas. He has devoted his life to inspiring people around the world with the profound and eminently applicable teachings of Buddhism.

Marc is the former editor-in-chief of New Age Journal and a contributing editor of Psychology Today. He has written and produced for both television and film. In his book, The Compassionate Life, he shares his own observations on how we are wired for love and compassion, stories to back that up, and cites scientific evidence that supports the power of compassion.

As you listen to the broadcast, be sure to take notes....and then take action!

Saturday, January 28, 2012

John Shelby Spong....and the presence of love.

This week's radio guest, John Shelby Spong, is a powerful voice for an inclusive faith. I have been inspired by his books and challenged by his observations. I would encourage you to take notes as you listen to our conversation.

May we all live with the fire of love in our hearts. Everything we encounter throughout the day is a spiritual opportunity. Every moment challenges us to rise to our highest: to choose courage over weakness, forgiveness over blame, faith over doubt, and love over fear. In choosing love, we are choosing to be healed.
The world will change when we change. Visionary leaders like Bishop Spong remind us that there is another way of knowing, living and loving on this earth.

Walt Whitman wrote, "I know of nothing else but miracles." Everything but miracles will dissolve in the presence of love.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Evolution of Faith with Philip Gulley

There is a beautiful and powerful movement taking place within the spiritual communities....and evolution of faith. Author and Quaker Paster, Philip Gulley, writes about this much needed evolution taking place within the christian community. He writes, "Because this better Christianity is not mindful of boundaries, it has no special need to be linked to any one denomination or religion. It will happily bear the name of Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, or one of any thousand possible names, for it gladly recognizes in others the Divine Presence common to us all."

It's time we embrace this evolution and choose to see our brother or our sister in the eyes of everyone we meet. Enjoy this week's show. Visit Phil at -