Saturday, January 28, 2012

John Shelby Spong....and the presence of love.

This week's radio guest, John Shelby Spong, is a powerful voice for an inclusive faith. I have been inspired by his books and challenged by his observations. I would encourage you to take notes as you listen to our conversation.

May we all live with the fire of love in our hearts. Everything we encounter throughout the day is a spiritual opportunity. Every moment challenges us to rise to our highest: to choose courage over weakness, forgiveness over blame, faith over doubt, and love over fear. In choosing love, we are choosing to be healed.
The world will change when we change. Visionary leaders like Bishop Spong remind us that there is another way of knowing, living and loving on this earth.

Walt Whitman wrote, "I know of nothing else but miracles." Everything but miracles will dissolve in the presence of love.

Saturday, January 14, 2012

The Evolution of Faith with Philip Gulley

There is a beautiful and powerful movement taking place within the spiritual communities....and evolution of faith. Author and Quaker Paster, Philip Gulley, writes about this much needed evolution taking place within the christian community. He writes, "Because this better Christianity is not mindful of boundaries, it has no special need to be linked to any one denomination or religion. It will happily bear the name of Islam, Judaism, Hinduism, or one of any thousand possible names, for it gladly recognizes in others the Divine Presence common to us all."

It's time we embrace this evolution and choose to see our brother or our sister in the eyes of everyone we meet. Enjoy this week's show. Visit Phil at -