Saturday, December 31, 2011

The Ten Things To Do When Your Life Falls Apart

Daphne Kingma is a best-selling author, teacher and undisputed expert on matters of the heart. For our last show of 2011, I wanted to replay my conversation with Daphne about her newest book, The Ten Things To Do When Your Life Falls Apart. Daphne offers sound wisdom in how to navigate the challenges that come your way. Visit for more information about her work. Daphne is also on our Advisory Council...and a dear friend.

As we celebrate the start of a new year, may we open ourselves more fully than ever before to the power of Love to transform our lives and our world.
May the dawn bring for each of us a new way of seeing and being.
May we experience the power and blessing of peace.

From my heart to yours, rb

Saturday, December 17, 2011

Scott Russell Sanders and "A Conservationist Manifesto"

Scott Russell Sanders is one of my favorite authors. He writes beautiful prose and never fails to stir the soul and imagination. In his book, A Conservationist Manifesto, Sanders outlines the practical, ecological, and the ethical grounds for a conservation ehtic. It's time that we "savor and preserve the world instead of devouring it."

I love having deep conversations that matter. Scott Russell Sanders is a powerful voice for the Earth and I believe this interview will inspire you to action.

Visit Scott at

Saturday, December 10, 2011

Parker J. Palmer and 'Healing the Heart of Democracy'

"We the people" need to find the courage to create a politics worthy of the human spirit. Parker J. Palmer shares how in this week's interview. His newest book, Healing the Heart of Democracy, is not about blaming "them", our elected officials in Washington, D.C., for our country's problems. Instead, it is an appeal to rebuild the neglected infrastructure of democracy - the fabric of local life and the habits of the heart that sustain it - to help restore a government "of the people, by the people, for the people."

Here is a soul-searching, deeply thoughtful, and well-grounded manifesto that proposes practical and hopeful ways of doing exactly that.

Learn more about the inspiring work of Parker J. Palmer at -

Enjoy the conversation!

Saturday, December 3, 2011

Dr. Patch Adams....healer, activist and clown

Patch Adams rarely grants interviews so we were thrilled that he agreed to come on our show. His lifetime quest is to transform the healthcare system in which all people are covered, regardless of income level. Doctors and patients in his model relate to each other on the basis of mutual trust and patients receive plenty of time from their doctors.

While in the mental hospital as a younger man, Patch made two decisions: to serve humanity through medicine, and to never have another bad day! He travels around the world sharing the healing power of love and speaking out against social injustice. Visit Patch at -

May you be inspired and challenged as you listen to the interview.